SHINDA SAIBO NO KATAMARI x Asakusa Deathfest 2018

SHINDA SAIBO NO KATAMARI x Asakusa Deathfest 2018

In 2015, band formed with averagely 20 years old young guys then playing extremely technical and brutal Death Metal. Here it is SHINDA SAIBO NO KATAMARI !
Currently they are 3-piece then, released single CD from Obliteration Records which lead them high expected fresh and young Death Metal band.
In Autumn, they toured through Indonesia included Bogor Brutal Fest and successfully killed those shows.
SHINDA SAIBO NO KATAMARI will blast with chaotic technical and ultra-slamming brutal death metal to the gate of ASAKUSA DEATHFEST 2018!!!

現在はベースレスの3人で活動。シングルCDをObliteration Recordsからリリースし期待の若手デスメタルバンドとして注目される。8月にはBogor Brutal Festを含む3カ所でのインドネシアツアーを敢行し大成功をおさめる。