THE MEN’S TOILET x Asakusa Deathfest 2018

THE MEN’S TOILET x Asakusa Deathfest 2018

Vomited forth from the bowels of dismemberment come to Asakusa the rancorous contemptors of purulogenic detruncation, unfortunately monikered grinding death metal forensologists, THE MEN’S TOILET.  Our ignominious auteurs recompile the standard offcuts from grind core’s staid repetoire of a begone era the infection from whence they were wholly unimparted, at the same time choking back any seepage of originality from defouling the sterilized slab.  Comporting remains of the dearly departed with a feverish consumption to wash sanguineous waves of destructive infinity over crepitated cadavers, THE MEN’S TOILET arrives at Asakusa’s execrable cenotaph soon to be unleashed...upon mankind...

天も届かぬ深淵から米産蛆の巣、THE MEN’S TOILETは荒廃の地、浅草に腐敗する。
腐乱した死体の山の中から飛び立たんとする恐るべき天使たちよ... 出口なきゆえ逃げられぬ、今こそ戦いの時。