DRAWN AND QUARTERED x Asaskusa Deathfest 2018

DRAWN AND QUARTERED x Asaskusa Deathfest 2018

DRAWN AND QUARTERED. US, Seattle, Washington based Death Metal band since 1993.
The name of band is taken from the most cruel medieval execution called "Hanged, Drawn and Quartered".
Their sound is heavily influenced by IMMOLATION and INCANTATION and more blasting, brutalized then darkened very much.
DRAWN AND QUARTERED is Satanic and torturous Death Metal that you all must get burned by hellfire at ASAKUSA DEATHFEST 2018!

アメリカはワシントンのシアトルを拠点とする1993年から活動するベテランデスメタルバンド、DRAWN AND QUARTERED。
ASAKUSA DEATHFEST 2018で君達はDRAWN AND QUARTEREDによる火炙り拷問サタニック・デスメタルを味わうだろう!!