COFFINS x Asakusa Deathfest 2017

COFFINS x Asakusa Deathfest 2017

浅草で、いやここ日本でデスフェストを開催するならこのバンドが出ないわけにはいかない! 日本が世界に誇る超遅重デスメタル要塞、COFFINS! 
Maryland Deathfestに幾度も出演しParty San、Netherland Deathfestなど数々の国際的なアンダーグラウンドフェストにも出演。ライブ活動だけでなく数多くの音源もリリースするリアルデスメタルウォリアーズ。 
いまやデスヘッズだけでなくハードコア・パンクス、クラスディーズ、グラインドフリークスからも絶大的な支持を得たCOFFINSが今年もまた浅草デスフェストに帰ってくる! 重低音の響く中、ゆっくりと腐ってくれ! 
In heaviness, slowly we rot..

The pillar of Japanese death metal supports Asakusa again.
COFFINS brutally greet you!
It is often a source of surprise that a crust-conceived death metal happens to be the strongest of Japanese old school metal today. Still playing local shows regularly after almost two decades of their career, it's the death metal we know and love, though they have more unique reception abroad. In the past, they have been described sludgy, doomy and crusty but as they've regularly played their sets at Maryland Deathfest, Netherland Deathfest and other festivals of the same vein, their sound has gotten much heavier and more brutal each year. 
Their most recent shows are filled with power riffs and more buzzsaw sonic abuse. Good news for us that they've gained many a good audience in this region predominant with punks and hardcore freaks while displaying such strictly death metal presence. 
Strings edgy, vocals dirty, snare'ss crusty. 
In heaviness, slowly we rot..