LARRONG x Asakusa Deathfest 2024

LARRONG (Malaysia)

Dawn of the heinous year of 1993 in the land of Borneo Headhunter, Sarawak, Malaysia. Larrong was forged in fire and hates to manifest the death metal law! Overwhelmed by extreme music neuroticism, incantations, and sacrifices, Larrong played in many monumental shows and festivals across the region and abroad.
EARLY 2024, Larrong is back with the head-hunting campaign in the form of 4 tracks EP entitlted “Agi Idup Agi Metal”

"It is an honoured for us to be a part of Asakusa Deathfest, one of the most renowned metal festivals in Japan, and to all the metalheads there.
Larrong anticipates vicious discord and head-slashing morbidity with Sarawakian Borneo Death Metal Law."