INVICTUS x Asakusa Deathfest 2017

INVICTUS x Asakusa Deathfest 2017

DEMOLITION HAMMER、MALEVOLENT CREATION、DEICIDEなどスラッシュメタルをベースに発達したUSデスメタルのサウンドを継承するバンドが長野から登場。 
オールドスクールでもなくニュースクール・ブルータルデスメタルでもない中期デスメタルとでも言おうかINVICTUSは凡百な「スタイル」に陥らずリフと展開のセンスが光る楽曲。 デスメタルのデスメタルらしさを再認識させてくれる素晴らしいバンドだ! 

The city of Nagano has conceived a young three-piece death metal band heavily influenced by thrash-based US death metal. Listening to their songs, it may not be so hard to induce that they grew up listening to DEMOLITION HAMMER, MALEVOLENT CREATION and DEICIDE. 
2016 was the year they released a split with South Korean technical brutality FECUNDATION and this year, they’ve finished their first Korean tour as they play numerous shows at home. Their sound cannot exactly be categorized as old school and yet it does not land into the saturating territory of new school type brutalism. They’ll be here to show us speed and brutality!