MORFIN x Asakusa Deathfest 2017

MORFIN x Asakusa Deathfest 2017

DEATHが1987年にデスメタル史に残る名盤 "Scream Bloody Gore"を発表してからこれまでに数多くのDEATHフォローワーが生まれてきたが、MORFINはそんじょそこらのDEATHフォローワーとは訳が違う! 
彼らのファーストアルバム "Inoculation"にはDEATHへのリスペクトとデスメタルへの愛が狂おしい程に詰まっており、ラストのDEATH "Leprosy"のカバーではイービルチャックの霊が彼らに取り憑いているのかと思う程の素晴らしいカバーだった!

We shook the dust off our boxes, dug up the collections of our history and thought once we’d seen it all...until MORFIN took us!
Based in Los Angeles, they’ve just finished their lengthy tour in Europe with RUDE and are already onto recording more materials. Under the F.D.A. banner we know we dig, there has been two full-lengths released since their formation in 2010.

Take the sharp noisy guitar, those epic triplets if not the shrieking vocals or the playful bassline. We’re talking about DEATH when we talk about MORFIN. Their purity and straightforwardness in love and respect for their predecessor is on a whole different level.
Asakusa eagerly awaits!
