EVIL x Asakusa Deathfest 2017
平成生まれの少年達はそれを知る由もなく大好きなSLAYER、SODOM、SARCOFAGO、SABBATを目指し生まれたバンド "EVIL"
これはただの偶然ではなく成るべくして成ったバンド名である。それは必然的な運命。 運命とは偶然ではなく過去~現在~未来 全ての時間軸において必ず起こる事象。
最終日のトリを飾るのはSABBAT。 浅草デスフェストでEVILの輪廻転生が起きる!
At the time of formation, Japan’s EVIL were doing what most teenage metalheads would want to do. Just wanted to sound like the bands they worshipped and enjoyed listening to, SLAYER, SODOM, SARCOFAGO and SABBAT. And they wanted to sound evil!
Naming the band EVIL, they did so without knowing SLAYER and SABBAT were also named such in the beginnings. Shall we call it not a coincidence but rather, destiny. Because our course of life admits of no contingency, caprice, or indeterminateness, through the past, the present, to the future, everything proceeds from a sort of necessity, and with the utmost perfection. So you children of evil, show the world that hell is still alive!
Shred your six strings, give ‘em hell, give us hell! Our last day of the festival concludes with SABBAT.
EVIL reincarnates in Asakusa Deathfest!