DISROTTED x Asakusa Deathfest 2019

DISROTTED x Asakusa Deathfest 2019

Vomitted from the depths of the cosmos, DISROTTED was formed in Chicago in 2014 by Adam (Mortify, Winters in Osaka, ex-Sick/Tired), Dean (ex-Harpoon), and John (ex-Black September, ex-Kungfu Rick). Together, the otherworldly trio set forth to lay down some of the heaviest and slowest Doom this side of the galaxy.
Though active in putting out material for split releases, such as with Anarchus, su19b, and Cloud Rat, their first self-titled full length, released in 2015, set the stage for their cosmic Doom. Slow tempo with heavy fuzzy riffs, feedback and noise as if from the depths. Their follow up, "Divination", released the following year was not only a great album, but worship to the hungry Gods laying beyond our reach.
DISROTTED is returning to Japan for the third time. Prepare for the void to wrap its twisted and writhing tendrils around your very souls at Asakusa Deathfest 2019!

宇宙の深淵から吐き出された暗黒の激遅激重ドゥーム、DISROTTEDは2014年にシカゴで結成。メンバーのAdamは日本のHM-2秒殺グラインドコア、MORTIFYでも活動しノイズ Winters in Osakaの創始者でもある。すでに2回のジャパンツアーも敢行。
ANARCHUSやSU19Bなどともスプリット音源をリリースし2017年に発表したフルアルバム "Divination"は極端に遅く、そして重く、耳をつんざくフィードバックとノイズの破滅的サウンドで宇宙を旅するドゥームの神々と交信するための暗黒サウンドを閉じ込めた素晴らしいアルバムだ!!
